Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Animals Ate My Week!

I'm actually pretty lucky that my animal rescue lifestyle rarely completely obliterates my triathlon lifestyle, but this past week or so have been one of those times. What a week! It started off with Bodie, pictured above. My friend's rescue group rescued Bodie as a pup, a little over a year ago and he was placed with a family who has recently decided they no longer want him (nice). Long story short, Bodie needed an "emergency foster" for a week and like I always say, "I can do anything for a week!" Bodie is a super sweet and happy dog, but he sure put us to the test! I've always joked that I don't need a smart dog (sorry Lance), and I'm now convinced of it. At 15 months, this Australian Shepherd is a busy guy and super active. Much of the week was spent either cleaning up destruction or taking him for hours to the dog park. And to top it off, poor Bodie is deaf. His trainer taught him hand signals, and he knows them amazingly well, but it was an eye opener to have a dog you can't actually verbally communicate with. Imagine if your pet couldn't hear you praise him...and also if they couldn't hear you say "no!" to get a behavior to stop. But we made it, and Bodie is off to another foster home and soon onto what will hopefully be a forever home. Most rescues are amazing in the intricacy of the network that gets them from initial rescue to permanent loving home. I was happy we could be even a piece in the puzzle. We even managed to get to Arnold, with both Lance and Bodie in tow, for a scant but meaningful 48 hours weekend before last.

The work-week then started with the usual madness of coordinating getting Sporty Spice to his daycamps (when does school start?!?!?) and various animals to various veterinary appointments. Emmalee has chronic kidney failure and had to be dropped off for her usual tests, Cerie had an annual checkup. 40 minutes each way. Then back. Then Cerie needed dental work, which necessitated the same drive back and forth this week. Emma also needed an additional test this week, so double the drive..again.

Lance was scheduled for his second treatment of this round of chemo last Thursday but he has been having, shall we say, "potty problems", for which he has been getting me up at all hours of the night to let him out. So, after the half hour drive each way, and appointment, I ended up doing it all again on Monday morning, when he did get his chemo. He seems to feel really pretty good, but his appetite is low and he's been losing weight which has me TOTALLY stressed out.

Where are we now? Thursday? Went out to do morning animal chores and my big white bunny Mavis (below) looked a little "pokey". Off to the 40 minute away vet with her. Poor Mavas. I found her on a bike ride

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