Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Grinch is Driving My Volvo

If you see him, let me know.

Shalom, I am converting to Judaism after this past holiday week. Our little family went North for just 2 days to spend Christmas with my in-laws. We came home Sunday night to find our house robbed and ransacked. All that really matters, at the end of this story, is that all of our animals are safe and accounted for. I am all too aware of how differently that could have been. Secondly, our bikes were left untouched. In our world, that is big. The rest of the stuff, big screen tv, laptop computer, camera, jewelry, m
oney and our safe containing birth certificates, passports and credit cards...and my car... can be replaced (sadly, our wedding video cannot). Just unbelievable.

It's going to take awhile to come back from this and feel secure again.

The holidays were busy, and overall, prior to this, they were good.These little snowflake ornaments and bird-and-tree-spools are about the sum of my craftiness however.